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With the ever evolving internet market for just about anything you can imagine and Google’s index growing to almost 9 billion pages, and counting, there is little dispute amongst search engine optimizers that our job is getting much harder. From linking to  articles, and density to ontology, our industry changes as fast as any other. The search engines, especially Google, seem to be on a daily diet of change and their algorithm seems to be growing at the rate of their index.

Webmasters Info | Views: 481 | Author: Dan | Added by: Anton | Date: 05.01.2011

Recent studies suggest that more than 85% of website visitors to any website come from searches done with search engines. If this is to be believed the study suggests getting top placement on search engines is the key to bring quality traffic to your website. 

I have few tips how to optimize your website for a better search engine placement. 

Webmasters Info | Views: 546 | Author: Nadi | Added by: Anton | Date: 05.01.2011

What is Link Renting?

Link renting is a means to ‘rent’ the popularity and traffic flow of another site – you pay a monthly fee in return for a text link pointing to your site. In doing so, you can directly and indirectly drive more targeted traffic toward your website.

Webmasters Info | Views: 532 | Author: Nikol | Added by: Anton | Date: 05.01.2011

From Dubai to Chicago, telecom companies are introducing new area codes to meet the demand of new telephone numbers businesses. If only this was possible for Internet domain names - the .com addresses, like, and that are the invaluable gold mine of the Digital Age. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of .com domain names, and due to the demand supply ration which is out of whack, corporates are squabbling with one another to secure the right domains.

Webmasters Info | Views: 492 | Added by: Anton | Date: 21.12.2010

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